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MEL BROOKS, 'THE PRODUCERS': I'd have to say that Stroman is tops in taps. MICHAEL OKWU, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The hottest thing on Broadway these days, aside from the stage adaptation of Mel Brooks' 1968 movie, is its director/choreographer Susan Stroman. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the 2001 Tony goes to Cady Huffman UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 'Producers.' UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 'The Producers.' UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They've broken the record. We begin with 'Time'' choice for best Broadway director, Susan Stroman, the celebrated choreographer behind the smash hit, 'The Producers.' Here is CNN's Michael Okwu. Tonight, CNN brings you the first installment of 'America's Best.' Twenty-one honorees from the editors of 'Time' magazine. They are as diverse as they are gifted each a groundbreaking artist or entertainer at the very top of their game. Good evening, and welcome to CNN PRESENTS. America's best: Who are they, and what sets them apart? Tonight, CNN and 'Time' magazine unveil AMERICA'S BEST: ARTISTS AND ENTERTAINERS. LEON HARRIS, CNN ANCHOR: From the big screen to the small screen, the radio and the stage from music to museums literature and fashion artists and entertainers. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.

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